I love the fall fair, other than the fact that I end up spending a lot of money. It makes for a great afternoon. This year we were able to go as a family with some friends and their two kids. I met D* about two years ago when we had our daughters enrolled in the same soccer program, we were the only two mothers that only missed one class each and since the girls got along with each other and we got along as well we started getting together for play dates, two years later and we all know each other and get together whenever we can.
Now that T* is getting bigger she is able to go on more of the rides. She has always gone on the kids rides but this year she was able to go on some of the "adult" rides, she was tall enough for the little roller coaster, the bumper cars (though I had to do the driving for that one), and even the tilt-a-whirl. It's really neat to see her growing up and coming into her own more, she has always been the type to try all kinds of different things and show no fear, and that hasn't changed yet. I love watching her face light up as she goes on a ride, it seems like the faster the ride the more fun she has. I'm looking forward to the day that we can take her to Canada's Wonderland again and she is able to go on all the rides, we did go once a few years ago, kiddie land was the best for her, she went on every ride possible (though waiting was something she didn't do to well). I love going to the fairs more though because they are a lot closer and not as much of a full day trip as Canada's Wonderland. I like checking out all the different stands they have and watching all the little kids run around. I love that they have games just for the kids, that way T* can play them on her own, it's more exciting when she wins a prize all by herself. Each time I have taken her to the Fall Fair we have found at least one 'carney' who is just really really nice. Two years ago the one 'carney' helped T* a gold fish, you should have seen her face, she was sooo excited. This year the 'carney' at the 'fishing pond' let T*, and my friends kids all play for the price of one and gave them all 2 toys each. It's so nice to find people like that, who seem to care more about the kids having fun than with how much money they can make. It's nice to know there are people out there who are still like that. After the fair we went back to D* and C*'s for a BBQ, all in all it was a great day, lots of fun. It's always great to be able to get kids together for a play date when you get along with their parents, it's like a giant play date for everyone!!
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