Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mother and daughter time

I spend most of my time at home with my daughter, though I do work three nights a week. I only work at night so that she is always with family, the kid has never been with a babysitter that isn't family yet! I am proud of that, I always wanted to be at home as much as I could when I had kids. During the day we will sometimes read or talk or watch a show, but we tend to do our own thing a lot as well, so it's nice to just sit with her for awhile and do something that we both enjoy. Today we sat down together wrapped in a blanket (the a/c is cold) and watched Sleeping Beauty. It's actually the first time either of us has seen it. I'm not really sure why I never watched it as a kid, it just never happened. T* was a little scared of the bad witch (Maleficent) especially when she turns into the dragon, but we both enjoyed watching it. I really like Disney movies, my boyfriend thinks I am weird for this but I don't care, now I have an excuse to watch lol. There have been a few movies that I watch with T*, we like the Barbie ones, and Tinkerbell, I think I enjoy the Disney movies more than she does right now, she is only 4. It's fun though because it helps me remember the fun of being a kid, though T8 tends to talk through most of the movie lol. All in all it was a good afternoon.

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